Summer 2006

Information Technology 374 - Topics in Telecommunications

Dr. Tibor Gyires

Topic: Simulation and Analysis of Internet Application Performance

This project-oriented course covers performance prediction and simulation-modeling methods and techniques in the design and proactive management of Internet applications.

Proactive network management models a network using traffic traces to simulate current and future behavior of an Internet application and predict the impact of the addition of new applications on the network performance.

For an information system developer, it is important to know how an Internet-based application will perform for the user prior to being implemented. Network managers need to know the impact of an application on the underlying network performance. Using modeling and simulation tools, system developers and network managers can change a model by adding new network connections, workstations, servers, and applications and perform "what-if" scenarios before the implementation of the changes. Throughout the course, students will use simulation modeling packages, various traffic analyzers and troubleshooting tools.

Parting Words (Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Scott G. Kuntzelman)